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The smart new Tetra Classic® Aseptic 65ml Cube allows for optimal pallet stacking, more efficient distribution and a great branding impression. Best of all, it requires only a minimal investment to set up and run. View the packaging solution that boosts the bottom line!

The Tetra Classic Aseptic is more than just a packaging solution. The unique shape offers great opportunities for creative ideas that differentiate in the market place. But more than that, it is a solution that offers attractive competitive advantages.

Tetra Classic Aseptic is suitable for juice drinks, milk, ice-lollies, spreadable cheese and other viscous products. The Tetra Classic Aseptic carton package range goes from 65 ml to 200 ml.

# Brand Product Type Product Size Liquid
1 Tetra Pak® Mid, Slim 65ml, 85ml Yes

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